In the last few months, we worked on a few fun projects:
- Setup a VoIP Phones System: One of our client was paying $40/month per line for their phone system. We got a few IP Phones at very reasonable rates, programmed them and set them up in the office and the boss’ home. The monthly bill should drop to $5 or less per month depending on usage.
- Analyze Google AdWords Campaign: One of our clients has an ongoing Google AdWords campaign and we helped analyze the results from the beginning of the year and suggest improvements to both the adverts, time of display, geography and processes to handle the incoming leads.
- Fix a dead Desktop and move to Linux: A client had an old Dell Inspiron Desktop whose hard drive had died. The client’s computer had a history of being plagued by malware and issues. We installed a new hard drive, setup Linux and all the software that they would need to run their business operations well.
- Updates to Various WiFi Access Points & Networking Equipment: A client runs a weekly boarding house in Jersey City where all the residents have access to a free wireless network. With continued revelations recently of security issues to both WiFI equipment and computers. We stayed on top of all of them by keeping a close track and upgrading all the firmware and softwares on the WiFi Access Points, Routers, Computers and Camera Systems.
Contact us with your needs and we will figure out a way to assist your business by taking care of all your IT and tech issues, so that you can focus on your business.